Duke University School of Nursing Named Best School for Men in Nursing

Duke University School of Nursing (DUSON) has been awarded a 2017 “Best Nursing School for Men in Nursing” award by the American Assembly for Men in Nursing (AAMN). The award recognizes DUSON’s significant efforts in recruiting and retaining men in nursing, providing men a supportive educational environment, and educating faculty, students, and the community about the contributions men have made and continue to make to the nursing profession.

The 42nd annual conference took place at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada from Sept. 21-23. Duke's American Assembly for Men in Nursing (DAAMN) Vice-President Richard Estrada; DAAMN faculty sponsor Brett Morgan, DNP, CRNA and DAAMN President Josh Tai were present to receive the award.

DUSON has devoted considerable resources to the recruitment and retention of male students and faculty to create a school that is inclusive of men at all levels of the academic community. Duke’s AAMN Chapter, established in 2008, coordinates networking and community service activities that foster a supportive, encouraging environment for men at the Duke School of Nursing and the Duke University Medical Center.

Pictured from left to right are: AAMN President Brent MacWilliams PhD, MSN, RN APNP, ANP-BC; DAAMN Vice-President Richard Estrada; DAAMN faculty sponsor Brett Morgan DNP, CRNA; and DAAMN President Josh Tai. 

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