MANY Colors, One DUSON: Represent Your Alma Mater, Favorite College, Duke or DUSON

MANY Colors, One DUSON: Represent Your Alma Mater, Favorite College, Duke or DUSON

As DUSON embraces our goal to advance all dimensions of diversity and inclusiveness, you're invited to join us for the first "MANY Colors, One DUSON" Day on Friday, November 4.

On this day, wear paraphernalia representing your alma mater, favorite college, Duke or DUSON. Get it? MANY Colors, One DUSON!

Share the Colors...

  1. Click here to download and print our photo sign.
  2. Take a photo of you representing the college of your choice with the photo sign.
  3. Share your photos either by email to or via social media using #DUSONManyColors.

Let's show the world the beauty of our diversity!

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