Young Awarded 2021 North Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence

Young Awarded 2021 North Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence

Katie Bowler Young, assistant dean for communications, marketing, and business development, has been awarded a 2021 North Carolina Governor’s Award.

katie bowler youngKatie Bowler Young, assistant dean for communications, marketing, and business development, has been awarded a 2021 North Carolina Governor’s Award for Excellence in the category of Outstanding Government Service. The Governor’s Award is the highest honor for North Carolina state employees. Young worked for UNC from 2008-21 and received the award for a program she and her team launched during the pandemic to secure global education at Carolina. She and her team recruited 41 faculty in the 2020-21 academic year to introduce collaborative online international learning (COIL) in the classroom, connecting undergraduate, graduate, and professional courses to courses at universities around the world, providing opportunities for students to engage in dialogue drawing on varied societal or disciplinary perspectives, to complete small group projects, or to exchange creative and scholarly work. She officially was recognized on Tuesday, Oct. 26, during a virtual online ceremony. 

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