Box and OneDrive


Duke’s Box is a cloud-based storage and collaboration service for all Duke University and Duke Medicine faculty, staff and students. With Box, users can access, store and share content securely with Duke and non-Duke users — anywhere, anytime, on any device.

OneDrive is part of your Office 365 account and is a cloud-based storage and collaboration service for all members of the Duke community.  OneDrive accounts are provided 1TB of space.  Content can be shared only with other members of the Duke community.  It cannot be shared with non-Duke colleagues.




An account has already been generated for you. Before logging in to the service you will need to complete a quick on-line training session - Box training.  After you complete the training, you can login to your account.  

When you log into, you will see a HOME Folder. This is the root folder where all of your NON-PHI files and additional folders should be stored. The SENSITVE Folder is for temporarily storing PHI, SEI, HIPAA, and such sensitive files providing use complies with University and Health System security policies and any applicable project data use agreements. Box is intended for temporary storage of files and the supported solution for transferring large files. A Read Me folder is also available; it is highly recommended that the files contained are read prior to using Box.


Your OneDrive account can be reached by navigating to Once you login, you will see a small grid in the upper left-hand corner of the window.  Click here and OneDrive is one of the menu options.  

When you open OneDrive, you will see your root folder.  You can temporarily store files with sensitive data - it is not meant to be a permanent location for any files with sensitive data.  You can also use OneDrive for sharing large files with colleagues in the Duke system, but not outside of Duke.


  • Personal files may be uploaded to Box or OneDrive.
  • Files sharing -
    • BOX - with others outside of Duke by adding the person's email address.
    • OneDrive - with others inside of Duke only
  • A Box client is available to download to your computer.
  • Any Apps that may be of interest must be requested, reviewed, and approved by OIT and DHTS.


You are expected to follow all Duke acceptable use policy for all data stored in Box or OneDrive.


  • Box - 50 GB of cloud storage
  • OneDrive - 1TB of cloud storage
  • Upload large files up to 5 GB including videos
  • Send large files via Box
  • Sync files across devices with Box
  • Full text search within documents
  • Assign tasks and due dates to files
  • Data Security: Box and OneDrive encrypt files both at rest and while in transit. More secure than Dropbox and Google Drive. Box and OneDrive admins do NOT have access to your files.
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