Campus Safety

The descriptions and links below will give you a general idea of the university offices and online safety resource sites at Duke. For more specific information, please visit the links provided. Many of the offices serve several segments of the university community, so please note that unless the links below point to a page specifically referencing graduate student services, you may need to confirm with the office in question whether graduate students are eligible to use a particular service or resource.

Duke Alert! Emergency Website

The Duke Alert! Emergency Website provides information emergency communication, policies, and resources. In an actual emergency, the site is updated with instructions and information about the incident, campus services and resources available to the Duke community. This information would also be made available at DukeToday.

Duke Police

The Duke University Police Department provides comprehensive law enforcement and security services to all components of Duke University including the academic campus, a large medical center complex, an 8,000 acre research forest, and a variety of satellite facilities throughout North Carolina.

Duke Ocupational and Environmental Safety Office

The Occupational and Environmental Safety Office (OESO) exists to promote a safe environment for the Duke Community. The OESO site provides access to various safety manuals and on-line training.

Gender Violence

If you are a student at Duke University (of any gender) and are a victim-survivor of gender violence, contact us 24/7 at the Women's Center about our confidential services.

Duke Vans Services

Duke Buses and Vans supplement Duke’s transit service and offers an alternative to walking alone or in isolated areas of campus. Duke Vans provides employees and students with free, on-demand van service to and from campus areas where bus service is not available. Passengers may be transported off-campus, but only to private residences within the service boundaries. Drop offs at commercial locations are not permitted. Duke Vans operates from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. daily, except Thanksgiving Holidays, Winter Break and New Years Day. To request service, call 684-2020, or pick up any emergency (blue) phone on campus and ask to be connected.

Emergency Contacts

NOTE: Consider adding the Duke Police number to your speed dial. If you are in an emergency situation on campus, calling Duke Police directly--rather than 911--will facilitate a faster response. Also, when reporting an incident to the Durham Police, be sure to identify yourself as a Duke student so that Duke Police will be alerted to work with the university to obtain any support that may be available to you.

  • Emergency information line
    (919) 684-INFO
  • Duke Police
    (919) 684-2444
    (or 911 in an emergency)
  • Duke Occupational & Environmental Safety Office
    (919) 684-2794
  • Durham Police
    (919) 560-4601
Additional Local and State Resources 

For further assistance, contact the Office of Student Services.

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