Centering Wellness and Prevention

Centering Wellness and Prevention

An Ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure.  THIS! This is everything, yet our health systems in the U.S. are not set up to prioritize prevention. Our group is on a mission to change this in collaboration with rural communities who traditionally lack access to prevention programs.  Prevention and wellness underpin the work we do in the Health Promotion and Wellness Research Incubator.  Our team is committed to helping people PREVENT disease and stay well across the lifespan.  We are an incubator (and these words were chosen purposely) as our mission is to constantly innovate, trial ideas, learn what works and implement it, collaboratively with the communities we serve.  Much of our work focuses on health behavior change.   Behavior has a profound impact on our personal wellness and health.  Understanding our behavior, why we do the things we do and making changes to our behavior (big or small) can impact our health tremendously.   
Check out some of the great work our team has been doing around behavior change (tobacco cessation, healthy eating, physical activity and stress reduction) for disease prevention. Collectively our team has worked together over 9 years on prevention related projects.  Our team includes wonderful community partners at Granville Vance Public Health and Green Rural Redevelopment Organization (GRRO).  Stay tuned as we begin to innovate new things in 2023!  

Stay Well.

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