
School of Nursing Pearson Building Atrium full of students

The Duke School of Nursing is committed to serving and supporting students throughout their academic careers. The lists below provide services and resources available within the School of Nursing and the broader Duke Community to help you throughout your time here.

If you are considering taking time away from Duke, have personal or medical issues impacting your work, or need guidance on services, the information below will be a good starting point in guiding you.

We encourage students to seek out resources as needed, and as always, our Office of Admissions or Student Services is available to assist and support you.

Academic Support

Learn more about services designed to maximize your academic success.

Student Life

Learn more about services to enrich your experience both academically and socially

Career Services

Learn more about services to assist with career planning, professional development, and job search preparation.

Events & Milestones

Learn more about events and academic milestones that will enrich your student experience.

Students with Disabilities

Duke University encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please get in touch with the Duke Student Disability Access Office before your participation or visit.


TimelyCare offers 24/7 access to virtual care, self-care, and well-being tools.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know when the semester begins?
A: Students can access the Academic Calendar to determine when classes begin each semester. The academic calendar also outlines important dates and holidays.

Q: I am interested in joining a Student Organization. How can I determine what student organizations currently exist at the School of Nursing?
A: The School of Nursing currently has several active student organizations. Visit the DUSON Student Organizations website for more information on joining or creating a new student group.

Q: Do I need to obtain a Student ID Badge?
A: Yes. You will need a Student ID Badge for your clinical site rotations. You must be identified as a student of the School of Nursing. Your student ID Badge will also allow you specific access to things such as the building after business hours and student labs. Follow the guidelines for submitting your photo ID, or contact the ID office to let them know you want to use your current photo. Either way, a new Student ID Badge must be made for you as a requirement of the program you are enrolled.

Q: Do I need to submit my immunization requirements?
A: YES! You must submit this information to student health unless you are a distance-based/online student. If your records are housed with employee health, you will need to contact employee health and fax them to student health so your information can be housed and tracked with student health. Employee Health and Student Health do not share the same information tracking system.

It is also essential for students to follow the instructions on the student health website to apply to new students and other required information by using the online student portal—The Student Gateway. Failure to remain compliant as a Duke School of Nursing student could result in registration holds on your student account and the inability to participate in your clinical rotations. Please visit Duke Student Wellness for more information on student health immunization requirements.

Q: What are my options if I fall behind in my work or fail some tests?
A: Students should reach out to the course instructor and/or their faculty advisor if they fall behind to ensure that steps are taken early to resolve any issues with academic performance. Additional tutoring services may be advised in certain subject areas within the School of Nursing and the University.

Q: If I’m sick, what should I do about my exam or work missed when I’m able to return the next day?
A: Students should contact the instructor of the course(s) missed to notify the instructor of the absence and to ensure that all work is made up in a timely fashion. Failure to meet course objectives due to absence could result in administrative withdrawal from the program.

Q: If I want to take time away from DUSON, will I be allowed to return?
A: Yes. Students requesting a personal leave of absence should complete the Leave of Absence Request form and talk with their Faculty Advisor about their situation. The request must be made before the beginning of the semester in which the leave is intended. The Faculty Advisor and Program Director must approve the leave of absence. A leave of absence may be granted for up to one year and only be given to students in good academic standing.

Q: Where should I start if I’m dealing with personal issues that interfere with my work?
A: All students should reach out first to their faculty advisor to discuss their situation. For those eligible, Duke Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) helps Duke students enhance strengths and develop abilities to live successfully, grow and learn in their personal and academic lives. Students are encouraged to contact CAPS if personal issues are suddenly interfering with their ability to succeed.

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