Helpful Links
Academic Advising & Long Range Plan
International Student Resources
Student Handbooks 2024 - 2025
Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) Student Handbook (PDF)
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Student Handbook (PDF) - REVISED
Doctor of Nursing Practice Program (DNP) Student Handbook (PDF)
Student Forms
- In this section, you will find a list of commonly used forms for current students. Should you need a form that is not listed here, please get in touch with the Office of Student Services.
- Reserve a Room: Our students can reserve study rooms, meeting rooms, and classrooms through the Duke University Reservation System.
- Visit this link to download instructions.
Technical Support
Student Writing Resources
Writing and Editing Assistance
iThenticate (Free plagiarism detection software for student use)
- The course faculty requires the APA style for all written assignments unless otherwise directed. Students are expected to use the most current version of the APA style manual, which can be purchased through any bookstore, or can find resources, including online tutorials at the American Psychological Association’s APA Style website:
The Duke University Medical Center Library and the Duke University Library support the Duke University School of Nursing. Each facility provides specialized services for student’s academic and research endeavors.
Your Duke ID badge is pre-programmed to provide building access to each of these libraries on campus, and your Net ID and password will provide access to online library resources.
Each facility maintains independent hours of operation.
Duke University Medical Center Library
A Duke University Medical Center Library liaison holds regular office hours in the DUSON atrium during the academic year.
Your library liaison can:
Orient you to the resources and services available at the library.
Consult on literature search strategies and resource selection.
Assist with organizing information, such as citation management, using EndNote.
Provide assistance locating full-text articles and other materials.
Identify resources to help you stay current, including setting up a Journal Table of Contents and RSS feeds.
Duke Medical Center Library & Archives Newsletter
Other Helpful Links
Whether you are an online student or attend primarily on-campus classes, our School of Nursing courses make significant use of technology.