Student Editorial Advising and Scientific Writing Assistance

Close up of hands on a paper with a pencil making editsDuke University School of Nursing offers you editorial advising and scientific writing assistance with Elena Turner. Turner is an experienced lab scientist with a strong liberal arts background and experience in writing and editing academic papers and grants. Her work includes the following - primary authorship and co-authorship on academic papers, detailed copyediting expertise, experienced grant editing, editing work with ESL students, and reviewing graphics for clarity, legibility and reproduction quality.

How do I get started?

  1. Learn more about the process by reading our Frequently Asked Questions.

  2. Read and sign the Student Agreement. This is accessed via DukeBox.

  3. Request an appointment via Webmail calendar. Click here for instructions.

    • At time of appointment, you will be expected to email an editable electronic file to Elena Turner along with a signed copy of the student agreement.

For more information, contact Elena Turner at

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