Gayle B Thomas, MD was trained in Family Medicine at UCLA Medical School and Santa Monica Hospital in California. She served as a family physician for a largely Latinx patient panel for 22 years at the Carrboro Community Health Center. In 2013, she left the Community Health Center and joined the UNC Family Medicine Faculty.

AnnMarie Walton, PhD, MPH, RN, OCN, CHES is an Assistant Professor at the Duke University School of Nursing. Her training is in health education, health behavior, and nursing. Her dissertation focused on pesticide protective behaviors of Latino migrant and seasonal farmworkers in North Carolina. She is grateful to be a part of this team!

Catherine LePrevost, PhD is faculty and the Agromedicine Extension Specialist in the Dept. of Applied Ecology at NC State. Her training is in toxicology and science education. She is interested in science learning outside the classroom. She believes outreach workers can positively impact farmworker health through partnership in research projects.
Allison Lipscomb, MPH, has worked in farmworker health for 16 years in a variety of different roles, including outreach, program administration, technical assistance, training, and data analysis. She believes in the power of research to promote evidence-based practice in outreach and believes that outreach workers make strong partners in conducting research and applying results.