Jambo, from Moshi!

I came to Moshi, Tanzania in hopes of making a difference in the lives of people served by Majengo Health Clinic. Prepared by Duke University's family nurse practitioner curriculum, I felt I could make a contribution. After only two weeks in Moshi, it has become apparent the patients and families I see in the clinic and the people I have come to know in this town have given me something more valuable than what I could provide them. I have gained a global perspective on the lives of many people in less developed countries. The people I have met and cared for face unimaginable obstacles and dangers, including poverty, disease and scarce resources. Yet they are remarkably strong and genuine. Their joys are found in simple pleasures often masked by first world luxuries and which many of us fail to notice or appreciate. The people of Moshi have inspired me to encourage those of us who are more fortunate to seek ways to aid and support underserved, indigent populations. It is our responsibility, as we are able, to help our fellow humans in need and to appreciate their strength and resilience.

- Katherine Silverwood, MSN student

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