Mentoring Black Nurses Toward Success

African-American nursing studentMentoring Black Nurses Towards Success creates mentorship support for undergraduate Black nursing students and DUHS Black clinical staff nurses. DUHS clinical staff nurses have an option to function in a mentor only, mentee only or dual role. Undergraduate nursing students are paired with a DUHS clinical staff nurse mentor through a matching process. Once matched, the student will receive guidance from the clinical staff nurse mentor with the intent to assist them with preparedness for clinicals, internships, application for jobs and overall professional development.

Clinical staff nurse mentees and clinical staff nurse dual role are paired with DUSON nurse faculty or DUHS nurse leader through the same matching process. The mentorship between the clinical staff nurse and DUSON nurse faculty/DUHS nurse leader is designed to assist with developing career interests and strategies to achieve professional development goals.

Mentoring Black Nurses Towards Success aims are to:

  • Develop opportunities
  • Cultivate supportive and inspiring relationships
  • Foster and promote collaborations
  • Facilitate conversations
  • Perform as a resource
  • Support leadership skill development
  • Support professional development
Nursing Students Mentees:
  • Enrolled in the DUSON ABSN Program
  • Be of Black or African, African-American decent
  • Be able to dedicate approximately 2 hours a week to mentorship
  • Receive advising, support and/or training from a Clinical Staff Nurse mentor
  • Expected to be actively engaged in setting their goals to achieve the benefits of the mentorship relationship
  • Take initiative to create goals and seek guidance/constructive feedback
  • Be an active listener
  • Demonstrate preparedness for meetings
  • Complete any requested assignments from the program or mentor

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Nursing student with faculty memberClinical Staff Nurse — Mentor only

The clinical staff nurse will advise, support and guide the ABSN student nurse mentee. Nurse mentors will nurture the professional development of the student mentee as well as their social and psychological development.

  • Be of Black or African, African-American decent
  • Be in good performance standing
  • Interest in advancing career
  • Interest in being a mentor
  • Be able to dedicate at least 2 hours a week
  • Provide professional development guidance
  • Provides constructive feedback on work performance and career goals
  • Provide emotional and moral support
  • A role model for safe, culturally competent, ethical and responsible clinical nursing

Clinical Staff Nurse — Mentee only

The clinical staff will receive advising, support and/or training from a nurse leader mentor from a DUSON nursing faculty member or DUHS nurse leader. Nurse mentees are expected to be actively engaged in setting their goals to achieve the benefits of the mentorship relationship.

  • Be of Black or African, African-American decent
  • Be in good performance standing
  • Interest in advancing career
  • Interest in being a mentee
  • Be able to dedicate at least 2 hours a week
  • Take initiative to create goals and seek guidance/constructive feedback
  • Be an active listener
  • Demonstrate preparedness for meetings
  • Complete any requested assignments from the program or mentor

Clinical Staff Nurse — Dual Role

The clinical staff nurse serves as both a mentor to an ABSN student and a mentee to a DUSON nurse faculty member or DUHS nurse leader.

  • Be of Black or African, African American decent
  • Be in good performance standing
  • Interested in serving as both a mentor and a mentee
  • Be able to dedicate at least 4 hours a week

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DUSON Faculty & DUHS Nursing Leaders — Mentors

Nurse leaders at DUHS and DUSON faculty members will advise, support and guide the clinical staff nurse mentee. Mentors will nurture the professional development of the clinical staff nurse as well as the mentee's social and psychological development.

  • Come from various backgrounds (academic, clinical, research)
  • Be able to dedicate approximately 2-4 hours a week to mentorship role
  • Flexibility to schedule meetings with mentee
  • Provide professional development guidance
  • Provide constructive feedback on work performance and career goals
  • Provide emotional and moral support
  • A role model for ethical and responsible leadership

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