Upcoming Events
FLIP 2 Workshop
February 26, 2025: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm IPE & Pearson Building
Engage with 1st year health professional students across ABSN, DPT, MD, PA, OTD and Pathologist Assistant Programs within interprofessional teams as they discuss concepts related to team based practice, IPE communication, and reflect on goals for future IPE learning.
Past Events
IPEC Center Case Conference Series Culture, Cuisine, and Caring
Tuesday, February 20, 2024: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Virtual
The IPEC Center is hosting an amazing upcoming opportunity to learn about an interprofessional approach to navigating questions that arise in the case of a Spanish speaking patient with a new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
We are recruiting students from all health professions programs to join us for an interprofessional learning experience. This session will feature an interprofessional case review with students from different professions and commentary by an expert panel of providers. This is the next in our monthly case conference series!
Duke vs Wake Forest - Basketball Watch Party
Tuesday, February 24, 2024: 2:00 pm IPE Room 1250
FREE Pizza will be served. Enter raffle to win Duke Swag. Three Winners will be announced.
Foundations for Learning in Interprofessional Practice (FLIP!) Workshop 2: Communication &Teams and Teamwork
Wednesday, February 28, 2024: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Expecting close to 500 health profession students from the ABSN, DPT, MD, OTD, PA and Pathologist’s Assistant programs. Faculty and staff facilitators will work with students in their second FLIP workshop!
IPEC SAC and The Blood Connection host Blood Drive
Wednesday, February 28: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm AND Thursday, February 29: 3pm - 6:30pm
A $25 Charitable Donation Will Be Made Per Donor PLUS - Donors Receive $25 in eGift Cards.
8th Annual Haunted Hospital
Thursday, October 26, 2023: TBD
This spooky and collaborative effort with Duke AHEAD, Duke IPEC, and D.E.N.S. brings together students from all healthcare programs to resolve frightfully fun and complex clinical cases.
View Images from Past Haunted Hospitals!
2019 Haunted Hospital
2021 Haunted Hospital
2022 Haunted Hospital
Foundations for Learning in Interprofessional Practice (FLIP!)
Workshop 1: Values/Ethics & Roles/Responsibilities
Wednesday, September 13, 2023: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
IPE and Pearson Buildings
Expecting close to 500 health profession students from the ABSN, DPT, MD, OTD, PA and Pathologist’s Assistant programs. Faculty and staff facilitators will work with students in their first FLIP workshop! Introducing IPEC Core Competencies with a brief intro to IPE, hearing a patient’s journey through the health system and interactions with its teams, and an interactive case-based discussion. Each student teams will create a “This We Believe” statement, drafting their pledge to interprofessional practice.
Foundations for Learning in Interprofessional Practice (FLIP!)
Workshop 2: Communication & Teams and Teamwork
February 22, 2023
IPE and Pearson Buildings
FLIP 2 engaged 507 students from the ABSN, DPT, MD, OTD, PA and Pathologist’s Assistant programs in preassigned teams spread across five classrooms in the adjoining School of Nursing and IPE Buildings. Thirty-five faculty and staff facilitators from across professions joined IP student teams reviewing a clinical case, working together to identify each profession’s notes in the patient’s chart, while also practicing the SBAR communication technique. With pie and drinks served after, students mingled with many exchanging contact information looking forward to more IP opportunities.
Musculoskeletal IPEC Case Conference
Tuesday, March 21, 2023: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
IPE Room 3280 - Zoom
Shoulder Pain IP Approach & Physical Exam
An interprofessional panel of physicians, PA’s, NP’s, and PT’s facilitated a clinical case review of a patient experiencing shoulder pain, with students from different professions. Small group discussions were followed by an interactive lab instruction on the physical exam of the shoulder geared to students from all professions.
Nutrition IPEC Case Conference
Tuesday, March 21, 2023: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
IPE Room 3280 - Zoom
Eating Disorders Case Review
This conference was created and facilitated by an expert panel of providers including a dietitian, physician, RN, dentist, social worker, and psychologist. In large and small breakout groups Students from the ABSN, DPT, MD, NP, OTD, and PA Programs working together to identify and navigate a clinical Eating Disorders diagnosis.
Healthcare Ethics IPEC Case Conference Series
Wednesday, May 31, 2023: 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Questions about Capacity and Decisions about Discharge
Learn virtually in large and small break out groups with students across health professions regarding ethical issues in practice. This conference series is created and facilitated by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals including a case manager, family nurse practitioner, occupational therapist, physical therapist, physician assistant, and psychiatrist.
IP Field Day
Saturday, June 17, 2023: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cook Road Park in Durham
1st ever Interprofessional Field Day co-sponsored by Medicine in Motion and the Duke IPEC Center
Invitation for students/faculty/staff from schools of Nursing, Medicine, PT, OT, and PA to play field day games and practice a few clinical skills in games with inciting prizes for winning! See QR code in attachment to register!
Hope to see you there!
Website: www.dukemmfield.day
IG promo reel: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsAGCNgN3aA/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hgOz1IuKl9Y