90th Anniversary Featured in Tar Heel Nurse

90th Anniversary Featured in Tar Heel Nurse

black and white photo of first class of female studentsDUSON was featured in the "A Brief History of the Duke University School of Nursing" article by Phoebe Politt for the Winter 2021 edition of the Tar Heel Nurse. The publication is produced by the North Carolina Nurses Association, of which Politt is a member and Nursing History Council co-chair.


Ninety years ago, on January 2, 1931, the Duke University School of Nursing opened its doors to its first class of 24 students. Only a year earlier, Dean Bessie Baker, RN, moved to Durham to lead the new nursing school and to also become head of Nursing Services for the new Duke Hospital. Baker served as dean, instructor, recruiter, and hospital liaison at Duke University. Ann Henshaw was the first instructor. 


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