ABSN Graduates Celebrated in Pinning Ceremony

ABSN Graduates Celebrated in Pinning Ceremony

pinning ceremonyPinning is a significant milestone for any nursing student, and on Wednesday, a cohort of ABSN students achieved that milestone through a pinning ceremony. 

The event consisted of four mini ceremonies from 1 to 5 p.m. Each ceremony was streamed on Zoom, and the students chose whether they wanted to participate online or in person. 

At the top of each hour, new faces of family and friends would appear on Zoom along with the graduates participating virtually. Michelle Hartman, ABSN program assistant dean, opened each ceremony with some remarks: "It is indeed a pleasure to welcome the friends, families, ABSN affiliates, and especially the students to the ABSN Program’s pinning ceremony this afternoon." 

Hartman then went on to explain the importance of the pinning ceremony, adding that DUSON specially designs its pins for its graduates.

michelle hartman"The pinning ceremony is a tradition in nursing which can be traced back over 1,000 years," she said. "Pins originally symbolized service. The nursing profession adopted the tradition to identify nurses who were educated to serve the health needs of society.

The pin you will receive today marks the completion of your education at Duke University School of Nursing and symbolizes our heartfelt welcome into the profession of nursing."

The pins were attached to ribbons made into necklaces. 

A screen was pulled down in the room where the in-person participants were. Those who came in person received their pins first as those logged into Zoom watched through the screen. Deirdre K. Thornlow, associate professor and the cohort's coordinator, assisted with placing the ribbon on the students.   

"We are also joined today by other key members of our ABSN and DUSON community who helped guide, mentor, and teach our students," Hartman said.

Once the students in person finished, Hartman called attention to the students on Zoom to, one at a time, either place the pin on themselves or have their appointed person do it. 

The audience greeted the graduates with enthusiastic cheers and applause. 

Though not all 74 graduates were able to participate due to scheduling conflicts, Hartman took a moment to recognize them.

"Just 16 months ago, you put your faith in us to prepare you to begin your journey as a professional nurse. We have been witness to your amazing growth and transformation into a professional nurse and are honored to have been part of your journey," she said. "To reference one of my favorite Florence Nightingale quotes: 'So never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small, for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard seed germinates and roots itself.'"

The students who did participate were (the order is based on when the students participated):

  • Katie Rimel
  • Madison Aguilera
  • Cassy Quiring
  • Kennedy Sullivan 
  • Isabella Fabrizio
  • Shareeza Kamal
  • Jordan Teague
  • Marcus Downs
  • Margaret Jala
  • Josi Orlandella
  • Chelsea Hearne
  • Rose Feinberg
  • Katie McLaughlin  
  • Megan Cardwell
  • Sarah Kent
  • Eunice Lee
  • Jalyscia Williams
  • Aqdas Lilani
  • Alina Shevchenko
  • Maika Frye
  • Tatiana Bhulabhai
  • Kiara Dandridge
  • Erin Dodd
  • Jingfang Yu
  • Anisat Musaeva
  • Vicky Kantymyr
  • Sammy Minnick
  • Dana Geiger
  • Jieun Julia Na
  • Terra Atwood
  • Sarah Jennings
  • Katie French
  • Libby Summers
  • Kathlynn Hawthorne
  • Breanna Gambrell
  • Chelsea Skoff
  • Nik Silva
  • Rebecca Allison
  • Shelly Le
  • Sydney Collette
  • Sarah Chin
  • Sophie Joslyn
  • Angela Salerio
  • Hayley Gerringer
  • Sam Woog
  • Kaley Price
  • Ashleigh Warner
  • Emily Grinstead
  • Elizabeth Mizell
  • Ashlyn Carey
  • Erin McNeill
  • Sara Hall
  • Heather O'Donohue
  • Caitlin Field
  • Illiyah Edwards
  • Margaret Harkin 
  • Brittany Butera

Pictures from the day can be seen on DUSON's Flickr account.

Congratulations, everyone!


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