Applications Being Accepted for Chancellor's Service Fellowship

Applications Being Accepted for Chancellor's Service Fellowship

The Chancellor’s Service Fellowship application is due on February 12 at midnight. The Chancellor’s Service Fellowship is a one-year interdisciplinary, mentored fellowship program focused on health-related community service and leadership development. The Fellowship program is designed to provide health services to underserved populations by facilitating opportunities for students to:

  • Serve – Fellows are expected to engage their chosen community with a well-designed and measurable project aiming to improve a specific facet of health or health awareness. All fellows are expected to demonstrate depth of understanding of the community’s needs as well as a genuine desire to meet these needs.
  • Innovate – Fellows will initiate novel projects or programming efforts that fill currently unmet health-related niches (as opposed to seeking funding for currently active projects). This innovation could occur through the creation of a new student project or through a significant expansion of scope of an already existing group.
  • Lead – Fellows should exhibit and develop their capacities of self-awareness, communication, teamwork, mentorship and motivation. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their leadership development and should seek leadership coaching throughout the project cycle.
  • Sustain – Fellows are expected to design projects that have the potential to be continued successfully beyond the funding period. Projects should possess the potential to become self-sustaining and have plans for future student and community engagement.

The Fellowship grant can be awarded to individuals, groups of students, or student organizations. 

The application can be found here

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