Applications Now Being Accepted for IPE Advanced Certificate Program

The Interprofessional Education Advanced Certificate Program, sponsored by Duke AHEAD and the Duke Health Interprofessional Education and Care (IPEC) Center, is a yearlong professional development program that prepares health professions educators to develop, deploy and evaluate interprofessional educational activities in the context of learning about, from, and with educators from other professions. The educational activities should also account for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all stages of design and delivery. Educational activities may target health professions learners (e.g. DPT, medical, nursing, or PA students) or licensed providers (e.g continuing education, professional development, team training). Educational activities may include short courses, workshops, seminars, or project-based initiatives.

Program Objectives:

  • Describe the need and rationale for integration of the principles of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice into all health professions education.
  • Apply knowledge of educational principles, program design, instruction, and evaluation.
  • Incorporate core competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in educational activity development.
  • Apply leadership principles and skills in the development of an educational activity.
  • Collaborate with other professions to develop an IPE learning activity.
  • Create a detailed implementation and evaluation plan for the IPE learning activity.

Target audience:

Health professions educators across the range of professions and experience levels who are passionate about and responsible for the design and delivery of interprofessional learning experiences. Roles may be inclusive of but not limited to clinical instructors, clinical preceptors, course directors, clerkship directors, program directors, curriculum deans, or interprofessional clinical team leads.

Enrollment will be limited to 12 participants and efforts will be made to identify a group that is diverse and inclusive and represents the learners we teach and the patients we serve. While participants will apply as individuals, special consideration will be given to teams of 2 or more IP educators who apply and express the intention of working together on a project.

Program format and schedule:

January 2021 through December 2021

Time Commitment: 2 hour meeting once monthly plus 2-4 hours per month for engagement in educational activity planning and supplemental learning opportunities (e.g. small group discussion, mentoring). Format will likely be predominantly virtual with an option of in-person learning pending identification of a safe delivery option. The program will involve individual learning activities (e.g. reading, reflection, activity planning), interactive presentations, engagement with other participants in small group discussions, and peer mentoring.

Monthly sessions will focus on an IPE Curriculum Development Deep Dive on the following topics:

  • Educational pedagogy and principles of adult learning with application across professional and personal identities
  • Curriculum design and development: fundamentals and evidence-based approaches
  • Instructional strategies: Multi-Modal Methods for the 21st Century Learner with emphasis on in-person, virtual, clinical, and blended approaches
  • Assessment and evaluation using a competency-based framework with a focus on IPEC competencies
  • Project management including focus on logistics, organization, communication, sustainability, and inclusive approaches
  • Interprofessional Leadership: meeting the challenge of culture change and advancing inclusion and equity

Participants will incur no direct cost for participation. An application has been submitted for continuing education credits. Each certificate program participant will receive up to $1000 for project expenses (excluding effort support) and contingent on approval for use under current University guidelines and restrictions.

Applications are due November 6 by 5:00 pm.

An information session for interested applicants will be held in late October. Please reach out to or if you’d like to attend this session or have additional questions.


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