Batchelor-Murphy Appointed Dual Fellowship Role

Melissa Batchelor-Murphy was recently appointed as a 2017-2018 Health and Aging Policy Fellow and as a 2017-2018 American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow. Batchelor-Murphy was selected based on her commitment to health and aging issues, leadership potential and interest in impacting policy.
The Health and Aging Policy Fellows Program views health in a broad context which extends beyond just health care. They define health and aging policies as policies that aim to improve the whole well-being of older adults.
The American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship Program is a highly selective, nonpartisan program devoted to expanding knowledge and awareness of Congress. Since 1953, it has brought select political scientists, journalists, federal employees, health specialists, and other professionals to Capitol Hill to experience Congress at work through fellowship placements on congressional staffs.
Learn more about the Health and Aging Policy Fellowship and the APSA Congressional Fellowship Program.