Biederman Featured in Modern Healthcare Article

Biederman Featured in Modern Healthcare Article

donna biedermanDonna Biederman, associate professor, was featured in the "Refuge from COVID-19; Using medical respite to stanch the pandemic's spread among the homeless may offer a path for its growth" article in Modern Healthcare by Steven Ross Johnson.


One of the more predictable consequences of the current COVID-19 pandemic has been its disproportionate impact on a traditionally marginalized group, the homeless. The more than 560,000 people who were homeless on any given night in 2019, according to the Housing and Urban Development Department, has stretched the usual array of support services to their limits.

Across the country, organizations serving the homeless faced the same dilemma: ensuring homeless residents' safety. Their response was designating locations where those with the virus could be quarantined and those at higher risk could be isolated. Such emergency housing programs often offer routine medical checks, meals and help connecting with social services and aid toward procuring more permanent housing. 

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