Brandon Submits NIH R01 Subcontract Grant Application

Brandon Submits NIH R01 Subcontract Grant Application

Kudos to Debra Brandon, associate professor, and her entire team for submitting their Multi-PI Subcontract proposal on a Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin R01 entitled "Implementation of an Evidence-based Parentally Administered Intervention for Preterm Infants." This proposal requests funds for a 5 year period with a start date of September 1, 2020.

Duke will serve as Quantitative Data Center and two H-HOPE implementation sites (Duke and Durham Regional-[DRH]); together recruiting and enrolling approximately 176 pre-implementation and 176 H-HOPE infant/parent(s). 

I. As Quantitative Data Center, specific objectives and tasks include:

  1. Development and maintenance of the Quantitative REDCap database for all implementation sites;

  2. Develop and conduct of quality control evaluations of the data collection processed to ensure data quality for sites;

  3. Development of procedures for EHR data extraction;

  4. Conduct of Quantitative Data Center team meetings;

  5. Conduct of quantitative analyses for data safety and monitoring board meetings;

  6. Conduct quantitative data analyses for all grant progress reports;

  7. Establish research datasets for analyses;

  8. Conduct all quantitative data analyses to answer the study aims; and

  9. Serve as the data repository for all quantitative study data.

II. As an implementation site for two nurseries, specific objectives and tasks include:

  1. Facilitation of introductions to all stakeholders involved in the implementation of H-HOPE at Duke and DRH;

  2. Facilitation of training of all site providers who will participate in the delivery of the H-HOPE intervention;

  3. Implementation of H-HOPE intervention at Duke and DRH;

  4. Support the identification and confirming of H-HOPE Team members;

  5. Support the identification and confirmation of H-HOPE Trainers;

  6. Scheduling site H-HOPE Team meetings;

  7. Chairing/facilitating/participation in the H-HOPE Site Team meetings;

  8. Assisting nursery staff with problem solving issues regarding the intervention and the implementation process;

  9. Recruitment of approximately 176 pre-implementation and H-HOPE infant/parent(s) participants;

  10. Development and conduct of all IRB processes for Duke and DRH; and

  11. Conduct of EHR data extraction for Duke and DRH.

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