From the Chancellor: Advancing Health Together - Our New Strategic Planning Framework

From the Chancellor: Advancing Health Together - Our New Strategic Planning Framework

Dear Colleagues:

Last July, I asked each of you to complete a survey as we launched our strategic planning initiative.  Today, I am pleased to share with you the document that your engagement helped shape:  Advancing Health Together:  2016-2020 Strategic Planning Framework.  An electronic copy is available at:

To further engage with you, I, along with other Duke Health leaders, will host a series of town hall meetings in the coming weeks.  The dates of these meetings will be announced soon.

Please note that our new strategic planning framework represents the best thinking from across Duke Health.  I thank all of you who completed the survey and those of you who participated in other ways in the creation of this critically important guide for our organization.

I look forward to working with you all to achieve our mission of Advancing Health Together.

A. Eugene Washington, M.D.
Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University
President and CEO, Duke University Health System
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