CNR Hosts AI Workshop Event

AI + applications for nursing The inaugural "Time to Put It Into Practice: A Primer on Artificial Intelligence & its Applications for Nursing" will occur January 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Data Science Research Area of Excellence in the Center for Nursing Research. This workshop event will cycle through four session blocks and will include an "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)" and "Machine Learning," details on future and current research and clinical applications of AI, a demonstration of AI currently in practice in the DUHS setting, and expert-led breakout sessions that dive deeper into specific topics.

This event is encouraged for researchers, educators, students, clinicians, leaders, entrepreneurs and managers.

The key benefits of attending are: identifying AI applications for generating new clinical insights, understand AI's potential value for research and practice innovation, learn how AI improves decision-making analytics that surpass human capabilities, and understand how AI enhances teamwork.


  • Michael Cary, associate professor
  • Susan Silva, associate professor
  • Ran Xiao, assistant professor 
  • Kay Lytle, CNIO of DUHS and DANCE member 
  • Xiao Hu, Ann Henshaw Gardiner Distinguished Professor of Nursing
  • Brian Douthit, PhD student
  • Cara O'Brien, assistant professor of medicine with the School of Medicine 
  • Kais Gadhoumi, assistant professor
  • Debbie Travers, former associate professor with tenure

Register now. 

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