De Gagne Receives AACN Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Excellence Award

De Gagne Receives AACN Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Excellence Award

Jennie De Gagne was recently selected as a recipient of the 2018-2019 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Excellence Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize a faculty member who systematically investigates questions related to student learning and the conditions under which it occurs in order to improve outcomes. Due to a tie, there were two recipients of this award this year. 

The review committee noted many wonderful comments about De Gagne and her teaching. One reviewer commented, "Dr. De Gagne serves as a mentor to others and a role model who is committed to improving nursing education and health care worldwide." 

She will accept her award at the AACN Doctoral Education conference in Jan. 2019 in Coronado, CA.

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