Diversity Corner: Participate in CQ, Bystander Training Workshops

Diversity Corner: Participate in CQ, Bystander Training Workshops

diversity corner logoWe invite you to the following events:

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Workshops

Facilitated by Dr. Angela Richard-Eaglin, assistant professor, participants must attend CQ I & CQ II to gain a comprehensive understanding of application of CQ concepts to self-awareness, organizational wellness, bias management, and mitigation of bias-influenced decisions and outcomes.

CQ Workshop I: Cultural Intelligence Development
This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the concepts of culture, cultural values and cultural intelligence. Cultural intelligence concepts will be used to demonstrate why culture matters in advancing equity and organizational wellness.

  • For staff (25 participant limit): March 18 and 24 from 10 a.m. to noon. Register online.
  • For faculty (25 participant limit): March 17 and 24 from 2 to 4 p.m. Register online

CQ Workshop II: Application of Cultural Intelligence to Bias Management This is part two of the CQ workshops. It focuses on the application of CQ concepts that are covered in CQ I to understanding bias, bias management, and mitigation of bias-influenced outcomes using selected bias management strategies. CQ Workshop I is prerequisite for this workshop, as it builds upon the concepts covered.

  • Faculty and staff (25 participant limit): April 2 from 10 a.m. to noon. Register online.

Bystander Training Workshop

Facilitated by Ada Gregory with Kenan Institute for Ethics, this session will provide opportunities for you to practice how to:

  • Model bystander interventions to interrupt harmful remarks or actions in the moment or after it occurs
  • Effectively respond to individuals who are targets of harassment, callous behavior or insensitive remarks
  • Initiate a restorative conversation with parties who have engaged in behaviors that have caused harm to others
  • Implement proactive strategies to create a culture where harassment and bias incidents are less likely to occur or re-occur

Date: March 25 from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., 50 person limit.

Register online.

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