DNP Alumna Worthham, Goode and Colleague Publish Article in the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing

DNP Alumna Worthham, Goode and Colleague Publish Article in the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing

Terren Wortham, DNP '18; and Victoria Goode, assistant professor; recently published an article entitled "Implementation of an Obstructive Sleep Apnea Protocol in the Postanesthesia Care Unit for Patients Undergoing Spinal Fusion Surgery" in the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. Co-authors include Dhanesh Gupta of Duke University School of Medicine and Andi Rice, former consulting associate at DUSON.


Purpose: The purpose of this project was to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a postanesthesia care unit (PACU) obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) protocol in patients undergoing spinal fusionsurgery.

Design: The structure of this project was a preimplementation and postimplementation design.

Methods: A convenience sample of 63 patients admitted to the PACU after spinal fusion surgery, with diagnosed or high-risk OSA, was included in protocol implementation.

Findings: The prevalence of diagnosed and high-risk OSA at the project implementation site totaled 74% in the spinal fusion population. The incidence of oxygen desaturations was 41% in the preimplementation group and 35% in the postimplementation group. The PACU to intensive care unit transfers were 10% in the preimplementation group and 3% in the postimplementation group.

Conclusions: Protocols for surgical patients with OSA require further examination but may function as a guide for postoperative nursing care.

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