DNP Student Mathews Publishes Op-Ed

DNP Student Mathews Publishes Op-Ed

Christine Mathews, DNP student, had her piece "Opinion: Are COVID-19 lockdowns worth this toll on our mental health? I’m a nurse practitioner who says no," published in The San Diego Union-Tribune. 


Last February, the U.S. was ravaged by the coronavirus. A virus like no other, unknown to mankind. Our nation was met with an unimaginable disruption. It struck each individual like a ton of bricks. Lives were lost and some were spared. COVID-19 lockdowns were implemented in the hardest-hit areas. Many have willingly given up their freedom for the lockdowns. But are lockdowns worth it? Though we have spoken a lot about COVID-19 death rates, mandatory masking and social distancing, we rarely speak of those who suffer from depression and have fallen deeper into poverty.

Recently, the World Health Organization warned of the danger of lockdowns as they are “costly [and bring] social and economic life to a near stop.” Many experts, particularly in the United Kingdom, warn of the profound effects of lockdowns on both mental and physical health. Not only do they adversely affect health outcomes, but they also have a devastating impact on the economy. A survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a significant number of younger adults, essential workers and minorities have contemplated suicide during lockdowns. Depression rates tripled amid COVID-19 lockdowns, according to a study cited by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

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