DNP Student Writes Op-Ed on COVID's Impact on Flu Vaccine Rates

DNP Student Writes Op-Ed on COVID's Impact on Flu Vaccine Rates

DNP student Benoy Pullukalayil wrote the op-ed "COVID-19 implication on flu vaccination rates" for the "Culver City Observer." Check out this recent news item to see the other op-eds recently published by fellow DNP students.



On a Saturday morning, during the month October 2020; more than 80 cars are lined up on the streets adjacent to a medical office building in Culver City, California. It is noted that the lines are moving slowly. Some cars have additional passengers whereas some are occupied by the driver only. Residents from the nearby apartments are out on their patios and some are looking through their windows wondering what is going on in their neighborhood. One lady shouts to an employee “Is this line for COVID-19 test?”. The nurse out at the entrance with a clipboard on hand responds, “No. these cars are lined up and waiting to get their flu vaccines offered by MOB as drive through and walk-in options.” The lady responds “interesting”.

COVID-19 is boosting flu vaccinations rates. Every institution offering flu vaccinations has seen a higher demand this year. In fact, there are shortages of high dose flu vaccines offered for 65 years and older. Why is there a sudden demand for flu vaccinations? People are fearful of getting the flu and COVID-19 at the same time. As the world is battling with COVID-19 and Ireland and the United Kingdom are on lock down, American citizens are panicking. The public wants to get protected from the flu more than any time in the history of flu due to COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending all Americans to vaccinate against flu by the end of October 2020.

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