Duke University to Host Pioneering Seminar for Nurses and Midwives in Political Campaigning

Duke University to Host Pioneering Seminar for Nurses and Midwives in Political Campaigning

Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy, in collaboration with Healing Politics and the Duke School of Nursing, is set to host an innovative seminar aimed at empowering nurses and midwives with the skills necessary for political campaigning.

The Class of 2024 Healing Politics Campaign School

The Healing Politics Campaign School for Nurses & Midwives is scheduled to take place from June 5-8, 2024, and promises to be a transformative experience for healthcare professionals looking to make a difference beyond the clinical setting. The seminar is designed to demystify the political process for nurses and midwives, providing them with practical, hands-on training in campaign management. With a limited attendance of 35 participants, the program ensures personalized attention and access to expert faculty. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including campaign planning, budgeting, structure and organization, messaging and communications strategy, media training, campaign finance ethics, fundraising, voter contact strategy, grassroots organizing, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts. 

“The Duke School of Nursing is known for producing nursing leaders who will take the reins of the profession and become change agents, either through innovation, clinical practice or research,” says Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Dr. Ernest Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN. “I see our mission as being in alignment with the Healing Politics Campaign School in that as leaders we will be able to be a key player in promoting health equity, and ensuring that everyone has equal access to care. Students of the Campaign School will be armed with the tools necessary to become a successful policy advocate. Combining their knowledge of nursing, social justice and policy creates the perfect change agents that will ensure that everyone benefits, not just a few.”  

A Comprehensive Curriculum 

The Campaign School kicks off with a welcome and networking reception on the evening of June 5th, followed by three full days of intensive training. Participants will engage in role-playing exercises and in-depth discussions, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the complexities of political campaigns. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from leaders across the political spectrum including Senator Gale Adcock, NC-16, Political Strategist Andrew Cates, and community health nurse and health reporter Rose Hoban. The program also includes a virtual session approximately six weeks before the seminar to help attendees prepare, as well as a follow-up session four weeks after the event to address any lingering questions or challenges. 

“By attending the Campaign School, nurses will be equipped with the information and skills that they need to navigate the ever-changing world of policy and politics,” explains Dr. Grant. “When you add that with their nursing knowledge it will enable them to navigate a very challenging political climate and ensure that healthcare related issues (be they physical, mental, environmental, etc.) are addressed in a manner that is fair, and productive.” 

A Step Towards Healing Politics 

The Healing Politics Campaign School for Nurses & Midwives represents a significant step towards integrating healthcare professionals into the political arena. By equipping nurses and midwives with the tools to lead and advocate effectively, the seminar aims to foster a new generation of politically savvy healthcare leaders. The initiative underscores the importance of having voices from the healthcare sector represented in policy-making, particularly in areas that directly impact public health and patient care. 

“I think the most important thing attendees need to learn is that their voice matters and that they need to be at the table where crucial decisions are made that in the past has excluded or silenced them,” insists Dr. Grant. “They can use or apply the information they learn in their workplace setting to help establish policies that ensure a work culture that is fair, honest and non-discriminatory.”   

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