DUSON and OGACHI Welcomes International Visiting Scholar Barton-Gooden
Duke University School of Nursing and the Office of Global and Community Health Initiatives welcomes international visiting scholar Antoinette Barton-Gooden, MSN, who arrived September 3 for a one-month visit. Barton-Gooden is a lecturer at the University of the West Indies-Mona, in Kingston, Jamaica and will have a mentored and professional development experience working under the guidance of Paula Tanabe, associate dean for Research Development and Data Science; and Valerie Howard, associate dean for Academic Affairs.
While here, Barton-Gooden will:
Strengthen research skills and explore collaboration opportunities.
Strengthen leadership skills to enhance teaching in the graduate programme eg. policy, human resource and practice issues in nursing.
Increase knowledge of diverse teaching and learning methodologies (simulation).
She is located in the postdoctoral suite in the Interprofessional Education Building. Her email is antoinette.bartongooden@duke.edu.