DUSON Representatives Help Administer Vaccine to Latinx Community

DUSON Representatives Help Administer Vaccine to Latinx Community

latin 19As part of Duke Health's commitment to getting the vaccine to those most impacted by COVID-19, they partnered with the community to pilot two “pop-up” vaccine clinics. On February 9, Duke Health joined other community partners including Latino Community Credit Union, La Semilla, El Centro Hispano, Greenlight and Immaculate Conception Church through the LATIN-19 initiative to create a vaccine clinic geared toward the Latinx community. The event was held at the Latino Community Credit Union in Durham, and more than 150 community members and patients were vaccinated during the event. Thank you to all the DUSON faculty, staff and students have been active with LATIN-19 and who helped with this event. A recap of the event can be found on Facebook

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