DUSON Represented at Duke CFAR's Annual Retreat

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On September 28, the Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) of Duke University held their 16th Annual Fall Scientific Retreat. Several DUSON faculty and students presented at this annual event.

Brandon Knettel, assistant professor, was invited to deliver an oral presentation from selected conference abstract submissions which he titled "The Roles and Effectiveness of Community Health Workers in Supporting HIV Care Engagement and Well-Being among Adults Living with HIV in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania."

PhD student Amnazo Muhirwa, in collaboration with Knettel, presented a poster entitled, "Patient Perspectives on the Helpfulness of a Community Health Worker Program for HIV Care Engagement in Kiliminjaro, Tanzania." 

Michael Relf, associate dean for global and community health affairs, was one of the oral presenters in the scientific presentations section of the conference; the title of his presentation was "Contextualizing a Stigma Reduction Intervention to be Linguistically and Culturally Relevant for Women Living with HIV in Rwanda and Tanzania."

PhD student Lauren Holt and ABSN student Julia Na presented a poster entitled "Stigma Among Women Living with HIV in Rwanda."

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