DUSON Welcomes International Global Health Course Students

DUSON Welcomes International Global Health Course Students

Duke University School of Nursing welcomes international students representing Barbados, Netherlands, Philippines, Japan, Oman, Korea and the United Kingdom. The students join the Duke Community for a two week course - NURS555 Exploring Global Patterns of Health and Illness. International participants are joined by four DUSON students: Casey Lary, Noel Magtoto, Trinh Tran, and Eleanor Willis.

International participants met with Dean Broome upon their arrival. Other activites include a tour of Duke University Health System, culture night, a community tour to see the social determinats of health in Durham, and other oppoturnities to learn about evidence-based interventions to address common health/illness problems.

Participants will complete final presentations on Friday, August 25, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Clipp 1017. Participants (in groups) will propose a clinical question, search for evidence, appraise evidence, organize and synthesize the results, formulate cross-cultural interventions to address the chosen topic, and propose a population-based educational plan and deliver their final presentation on their topic.


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