DUSON Wellness: Relaxation Room, Yoga Classes and More!

DUSON Wellness: Relaxation Room, Yoga Classes and More!


Be in the know regarding Wellness events at DUSON with the DUSON Wellness Calendar on Outlook!  In Calendars, select Open Calendar, then Open Shared Calendar.  Type “DUSON Wellness” in the search bar to add the calendar to your list.  Email Cassandra.callas@duke.edu if you run into any issues.


Tuesday, Jan. 30 from 2-4 p.m., come ease your mind in the relaxation room. Taking intentional breaks can help sustain energy, enhance mood and improve your ability to cope with challenges. Visit Pearson 3103 to enjoy mandala coloring, essential oils, brain teasers and relaxing sounds and scenes.


Yoga classes are held at DUSON on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in Pearson 1140.  This course is designed to be accessible and beneficial to all levels of experience – from the first-time yogi to the advanced practitioner, this class seeks to meet all needs by offering modifications and instruction, posture by posture.  

Keep an eye out for a strength series beginning in February! Contact Cassandra.callas@duke.edu if you have suggestions or requests for a strength class format (body weight exercises, resistance bands, interval training, etc)


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