Harriet Cook Carter Lecture Tremendous Success

Harriet Cook Carter Lecture Tremendous Success

all participants On February 2, more than 220 people attended the 58th Harriet Cook Carter Lecture "The Future of Nursing: A Look Back and A Look Ahead" from 3 to 4:45 p.m.

This year's featured speaker was Susan B. Hassmiller, senior adviser for Nursing for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and director of the Foundation's Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, in partnership with AARP. Hassmiller spoke empathetically on health equity issues and how we can tackle these issues in addition to discussing the first and upcoming "Future of Nursing" reports. 

Dean Marion E. Broome introduced Hassmiller and moderated the event.

A question-and-answer segment followed Hassmiller's presentation.

At 4 p.m., a panel discussion occurred to discuss "Reflections on the Evolution of Nurses Leading the Future." The panelists were Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, associate professor, Jacquelyn McMillian-Bohler, assistant professor, and Jacqueline Nikpour, PhD student. Each panelist took turns discussing the topic from their perspective before answering questions.

For 58 years, the Duke University School of Nursing has sponsored the Harriet Cook Carter Lecture series, named in loving tribute to Harriet Cook Carter, nurse and honorary member of the Alumni Association of the Duke University School of Nursing, as a means of providing an opportunity for students, alumni and friends of the school to share the thoughts, ideas and wisdom of outstanding leaders in nursing.

A fuller news story on this event will be released at a later date.

If you missed this event, the recording is now available for your viewing


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