Johnson Publishes Article in Nursing Clinics of North America

Johnson Publishes Article in Nursing Clinics of North America

Ragan Johnson recently published an article entitled "Malabsorption Disorders" in Nursing Clinics of North America. Ricketta Clark is co-author. 


The gastrointestinal (GI) system is responsible for the motility, secretion, regulation, and digestion of nutrients consumed in the diet. Vital to maintaining adequate health is the GI system’s multifaceted and complex ability to digest and absorb fluids, electrolytes, macronutrients, and micronutrients. Normal nutrient absorption requires 3 steps:

  • Luminal and brush border processing
  • Absorption into the intestinal mucosa
  • Transport into the circulation.

An impairment in intestinal absorption and functioning is known as intestinal insufficiency or deficiency. The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism defines intestinal insufficiency or deficiency as a decrease in gut absorptive function not requiring intravenous supplementation for health and/or growth maintenance. Malabsorption is impaired absorption of nutrients caused by any disruption in the process of normal absorption. Impaired digestion of nutrients within the intestinal lumen or at the brush border membrane can also interfere with nutrient absorption. This is known as maldigestion. Malabsorption and maldigestion differ pathophysiologically but the processes of digestion and absorption are interdependent. Therefore, in clinical practice, malabsorption refers to deficiencies in the process of both absorption and digestion.

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