Kelly Co-Authored Article Accepted for Publication

Kelly Co-Authored Article Accepted for Publication

maryellen kellyMaryellen Kelly, assistant professor, contributed to "Neurogenic Bowel Treatments & Continence Outcomes in Children and Adults with Myelomeningocele," which the Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine just accepted.

This is, to the authors' knowledge, the first study to systematically evaluate the use and effectiveness of various treatment modalities for neurogenic bowel dysfunction in a large cohort of individuals with myelomeningocele.

Additional authors include: John S. Wiener and Jonathan C. Routh with the Duke Department of Surgery, Joan Jasien and Gordon Worley with Duke Department of Pediatrics, Tiebin Liu and Priya Patel with the CDC, Heidi and Jonathan Castillo with the Department of Developmental Pediatrics, Texas Children’s Hospital, Brad E. Dicianno with the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Paula Peterson with Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah, Kathleen Sawin and Eileen Sherburne with Department of Nursing Research, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Kathryn Smith of Department of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine, Asma Taha with Doernbecher Children’s Hospital & School of Nursing, Oregon Health Sciences University


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