Kim Publishes Articles in Two Publications

Kim Publishes Articles in Two Publications

Hyeoneui Kim recently published an article entitled "Selecting Optimal Subset to release under Differentially Private M-estimators from Hybrid Datasets" in IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering. Co-authors include experts from Stanford University, University of California and Emory University.


Privacy concern in data sharing especially for health data gains particularly increasing attention nowadays. Now some patients agree to open their information for research use, which gives rise to a new question of how to effectively use the public information to better understand the private dataset without breaching privacy. In this paper, we specialize this question as selecting an optimal subset of the public dataset for M-estimators in the framework of differential privacy (DP) in Dwork et al. (2006). From a perspective of non-interactive learning, we first construct the weighted private density estimation from the hybrid datasets under DP. Along the same line as Lei (2011), we analyze the accuracy of the DP M-estimators based on the hybrid datasets. Our main contributions are (i) we find that the bias-variance tradeoff in the performance of our M-estimators can be characterized in the sample size of the released dataset; (2) based on this finding, we develop an algorithm to select the optimal subset of the public dataset to release under DP. Our simulation studies and application to the real datasets confirm our findings and set a guideline in the real application.

Kim also recently published an article entitled "Blockchain distributed ledger technologies for biomedical and health care applications" in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. Co-authors include experts from the University of California San Diego.


Objectives: To introduce blockchain technologies, including their benefits, pitfalls, and the latest applications, to the biomedical and health care domains.

Target Audience: Biomedical and health care informatics researchers who would like to learn about blockchain technologies and their applications in the biomedical/health care domains.

Scope: The covered topics include: (1) introduction to the famous Bitcoin crypto-currency and the underlying blockchain technology; (2) features of blockchain; (3) review of alternative blockchain technologies; (4) emerging nonfinancial distributed ledger technologies and applications; (5) benefits of blockchain for biomedical/health care applications when compared to traditional distributed databases; (6) overview of the latest biomedical/health care applications of blockchain technologies; and (7) discussion of the potential challenges and proposed solutions of adopting blockchain technologies in biomedical/health care domains.

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