Koch Publishes Op-Ed in the News & Observer

Koch Publishes Op-Ed in the News & Observer

Amie Koch, assistant professor, recently authored a op-ed entitled “Jail Phone Calls” published in the News & Observer.

“A 15-minute phone call from jail in North Carolina can cost the person or family approximately $12.00. People are charged many hidden fees. Jails have contracts with telecommunication companies that are negotiated by elected officials, Sheriff’s office or jail administration.

Many states have set forth laws to lower cost of phone calls in prisons, but not in jails. The cost of phone calls in jail forces already burdened families to make distressing decisions of whether to stay connected or pay for food and rent. Isolation from family or the outside world, during the jail period has health consequences and creates undesirable post-release functioning. It is critical to have phone contact to maintain relationships, find future housing and set oneself up for life after release.

Phone charges are crushing and harmfully impact the most vulnerable, especially the poor, which feeds into a cycle of poverty, isolation, family separation, unemployment, substance use, ill mental health, and poor success post-release. To improve the health and success of our state, change must be implemented in jails to allow for low cost or free phone calls.”

Read her full op-ed here.

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