Kreider Serves as Item Writer for AANP National FNP Certification Exam
Kathryn Kreider was recently recruited for and participated as an item writer for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) National FNP Certification Exam. The FNP certification examination is an entry-level competency-based examination that tests clinical knowledge in family/individual across the life span (prenatal, pediatric, adolescent, adult, elderly and frail elderly primary care). The certifying body for the AANP exam is the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Board (AANPCB).
AANPCB is an independent, non-profit certifying body whose purpose is to provide a valid and reliable program for the evaluation of individuals wishing to enter, continue, and/or advance in the NP profession through the certification process. AANPCB national certification examinations are competency-based examinations for nurse practitioners to reflect their knowledge and expertise in the role and population area of education. AANPCB currently offers the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care NP and the Family NP examinations, which are entry-level certifications, and the Emergency NP examination, which is a specialty certification for certified FNPs with expertise in emergency care. See the candidate handbooks for information about eligibility requirements and the application process.