Masese's Sickle Cell Disease Study Subject of News Article

rita maseseA study led by Rita V. Masese, associate in Research, was the subject of "Sickle Cell Disease Studies Should Diversify Recruitment Strategies," written by Jonathan Alicea for HCPLive. 


When it comes to participant recruitment for multisite sickle cell disease (SCD) studies, using a combination of strategies—through clinics, affiliated sites, community events, and/or phone calls—can be useful to ensuring adequate patient participation.

Several barriers — ranging from distrust of research to transportation challenges—pose challenges for the recruitment process, and so adopting multiple strategies can allow the strengths of one to compensate for the weakness of another.

A recent study led by Masese and colleagues assessed the recruitment strategies of and challenges faced by 8 participating centers of the SCD Implementation Consortium (SCDIC).

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