Medical Instructor and PhD Alumna Xu Presents at University of Toronto

Medical Instructor and PhD Alumna Xu Presents at University of Toronto

Medical instructor and PhD alumna Hanzhang Xu was the awardee of Huffman Splane Emerging Nurse Scholar. She presented "Association Between Migration and Cognitive Function Among Middle Aged and Older Adults: A Comparison Between China and India" at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto. 

The Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Huffman Splane Emerging Scholars Forum supports early career development and international networking of emerging nursing scholars who are embarking on a research focused career. The Huffman Splane Emerging Nurse Scholars Forum is supported by a generous endowment from Verna Huffman Splane, a pioneer in nursing in Canada who held a deep conviction that nurses should be taught that they are part of a global profession. Bloomberg Nursing is widely recognized as a research-intensive environment that promotes education and scholarship in nursing.

Participants will have the opportunity to meet with nurse researchers who have established successful careers in nursing science. During the Forum, Bloomberg faculty will lead discussion sessions and speak on the successful development of an academic career.

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