Medication Adherence Alliance New Website Available

Medication Adherence Alliance New Website Available

The Medication Adherence Alliance, led by Bradi Granger and involves Ryan Shaw and DUSON faculty affiliate Hayden Bosworth, is an organization comprised of representatives from consumer advocacy groups, community health providers, non-profit groups, the academic community, decision-making government officials and industry representatives.

Launched in early 2016, The Medication Adherence Alliance’s new website,, serves as a comprehensive repository of up-to-date adherence resources. From patient tools to new research findings to updates on related policies, the website provides a wealth of information for the health care community on medication adherence. Features include:

· Patient and Provider Toolkits: Including a variety of products patients and providers can use to encourage medication adherence;

· Adherence Facts: Key information for all members of the health care community;

· Promising Practices: A compilation of current practices, as well as practices under development, that aim to help patients remain adherent; and

· Research Compendium: Consisting of original research, reviews and meta-analyses and commentaries.

Visit to learn more.

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