Message from the Dean: DUSON Teams Win Duke Presidential Award

I am delighted to let you know that members of our DUSON community have won the 2020 Duke University Presidential Award!

CancerKathy Trotter, associate professor, and the Advanced Practice Providers of the Breast Surgical Oncology Team have been selected to receive a Duke University Presidential Award for exceptional service to the Duke community. The team members include: Jill Barbour, Mary Enders, Elyn Inman, Bernadette Labriola, Sheeva Marvdashti, Heather Smith, Kathryn Trotter, Samantha Kwan Verruto and Jackie White (see picture at right).

In addition, DUSON’s Development Team, led by Associate Dean Anita Stallings, as part of the Duke Health Development and Alumni Affairs team, has been selected to receive the Duke University Presidential Award for exceptional service to the Duke community. DUSON’s Development Team members also include: Sarah Blumig, Kara Cockrell, Marla Gregg and Diana Staples.

I am thrilled that the dedicated efforts of Kathy Trotter and our Development Team have been recognized by Duke University. All recipients will receive their awards at the Presidential Award ceremony on Tuesday, February 25th. Please join me in congratulating our community members for receiving this prestigious Presidential Award!

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