MSN Program Hosts Fall 2020 OCIs

MSN Program Hosts Fall 2020 OCIs

msn oci MSN students convened in person and through Zoom last week for the MSN Program's Fall 2020 On Campus Intensives (OCIs). The week's activities began September 20 and ended on September 27. 

The core of the events occurred September 23. Anne Derouin, assistant dean of the MSN Program and associate professor, started the day with a virtual Welcome session for all the students. Students then spent the day engaging in question-and-answer sessions with faculty, mock interviews and table top sims.

From 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., Consulting Associate Nicholas Alexander led the Wound Management session from a room in the Christine Siegler Pearson Building. The session was live streamed to the students through Zoom and Mediasite, which featured a close-up video of Alexander's demonstration. Students virtually watched and followed along with their mailed suturing kits. 

At 3 p.m., the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner – Acute Care students presented their posters through Zoom. There was a total of five posters presented, and attendants were able to ask questions. 

The day concluded with virtual happy hour panels with MSN alumni. 

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