News from Duke Board of Trustees: Vincent Price Named 10th President of Duke University

News from Duke Board of Trustees: Vincent Price Named 10th President of Duke University

Dear members of the Duke community,

Earlier today, the Board of Trustees unanimously and enthusiastically approved the recommendation of the Presidential Search Committee that Vincent Price, currently the provost of the University of Pennsylvania, become the tenth president of Duke University.

When we launched the presidential search in April, we had an ambitious goal: to identify a worthy successor to Dick Brodhead, whose leadership over the past 12 years has transformed Duke into a model for a global and engaged research university. The search committee, led by trustee Jack Bovender and vice chair and professor Ellen Davis, sought input from every part of the Duke community, as well as from leaders in higher education and public life. They identified the characteristics that the next president should have to continue Duke’s momentum: intelligence, integrity, passion and the ability to elevate and realize the aspirations of a diverse university.

The Board of Trustees is confident that Vince Price exemplifies these characteristics and will be an outstanding president for Duke. A scholar of note himself, Vince has developed and upheld the highest standards for faculty and scholarship. He has a deep understanding of the student experience and the importance of diversity, inclusion, and open inquiry. His experience in building a global program gives him the perspective to lead the already rich array of international activities at Duke. And he has a great sensitivity to the special obligation that a university and academic medical center have in a community.

You can read more about Vince below, and at

Duke has a long history of exemplary presidents who have served the university with great distinction. I hope you will join me in welcoming Vince and Annette Price to that tradition.

David Rubenstein ’70 Chair, Duke University Board of Trustees

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