Noonan Publishes COVID Commentary Research Article

Noonan Publishes COVID Commentary Research Article

Devon NoonanDevon Noonan, associate professor, has had her COVID-19 commentary article, "Navigating Nonessential Research Trials During COVID19: The Push We Needed For Using Digital Technology To Increase Access For Rural Participants?," ​published in The Journal of Rural Health. Noonan co-wrote the article with Leigh Ann Simmons of the Department of Human Ecology at the University of California. 


The COVID-19 epidemic has threatened nonessential clinical trial research across the country. Now many researchers are being forced to either suspend research indefinitely or redesign trials to conduct remote research fundations from recruitment and enrollment to intervention delivery and follow-up. Moving to remote clinical trials is not without its challenges, especially for studies that are well underway. At the same time, the COVID-19 crisis provides a unique opportunity to leverage technology to increase access to and inclusivity in clinical trials in underserved areas, and specifically rural areas of the United States. Importantly, the steps we take now to continue nonessential research remotely may provide the evidence we need to ensure that future studies target these hard-to-reach populations for study inclusion.


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