Nursing Grand Rounds: Resilience
Fred Johnson, MBA, will return to Duke University Hospital on March 13 to show the documentary “The Child May Not Remember, but the Body Remembers.” These Wednesday noontime showings are a continuation of the Jan. 22 activity, with the opportunity to view the complete film.
Details for the March sessions:
- Wednesday, March 13; 12 until 1 p.m. at Duke University Hospital room 2001
This documentary is the story of one physician’s discovery of how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) impact her community and her practice. After viewing the film and participating in a group debriefing discussion, participants will be able to identify behaviors that result from the long-term impact of toxic stress on an individual.
Johnson serves in a number of roles within Duke University Health System: assistant professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, vice chief of the Division of Community Health, director of Clinical and Care Management Services, and director of Northern Piedmont Community Care.
Everyone is welcome to attend Nursing Grand Rounds; no registration is necessary. Those who complete the activity (DEV1314*) will receive 1.0 credit hour. However, anyone who attended the Jan. 22 session will not receive additional credit. Due to copyright laws, this Nursing Grand Rounds will not be streamed or recorded.
All Nursing Grand Rounds are made possible by the Martha White Blalock Nurse Scholar Endowment Fund. For more information about Nursing Grand Rounds or other Friends of Nursing activities, call 919-681-5094 or send a message to email.