October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

It is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Cybersecurity is everyone’s job, especially now when so many of us are working remotely. Hackers never let up, and neither should we. With some simple digital hygiene, it’s possible to prevent bad things from happening online.

Some things to look out for this month as we raise awareness:

  • The IT Security office will offer a IT@Lunch webinar trainings:
    • Oct. 28: “Security 2020: Protecting Yourself and Your Data in a Changing Threat Landscape"
  •  On Oct. 19, The Roots Co-Lab will host a hands-on DIY class, “Undermining Surveillance: DIY Facial Recognition Resistance Masks."
  • Try out the new Duke Security Education platform. Complete the 10-minute phishing module, and you will be entered into a raffle to win an Apple Watch. Complete other modules, and you’ll be eligible to win other prizes.
  • Duke OIT will be tweeting “fun facts” about cybersecurity all month long from the OIT Twitter account. Follow them @DukeOIT. They'll be using the hashtags #ThinkSecure and #BeCyberSmart.
  • Download a #ThinkSecure Zoom Background for your October Zoom meetings. (Go to the bottom of the linked page to download either the University or Health System background.)
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