PhD Student Hirschey Publishes Article in Oncology Nursing Forum

PhD student Rachel Hirschey published an article with her dissertation chair, Isaac Lipkus, entitled "Message Framing and Physical Activity Promotion in Colorectal Cancer Survivors" in the Oncology Nursing Forum. Other co-authors included experts from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, Duke University Medical Center and University of Alabama in Birmingham.

Abstract: The purpose or objective is to test effects of gain-framed versus loss-framed mailed brochures on increasing physical activity (PA) among colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors. Significant PA increases were observed in both study arms. Results did not differ by message frame. At one month, about 25% of previously inactive participants increased activity to national recommendations. Those who increased PA compared to those who did not had higher baseline scores on subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and PA intentions.

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