Phillips Part of Panel on Professional Nursing Identity

Phillips Part of Panel on Professional Nursing Identity

beth phillips headshotBeth C. Phillips, associate professor, participated in a panel discussion on Professional Identity in Nursing on the Sigma webinar entitled: "Professional Identity in Nursing: Next Steps." It was attended by 110 people from 40 states and 26 countries.


Professional Identity in Nursing is a “sense of oneself, and in relationship with others, that is influenced by characteristics, norms, and values of the nursing discipline, resulting in an individual thinking, acting, and feeling like a nurse.” This session will explore the next steps for the International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing following their September 2020 Think Tank.

This final webinar in the series will explore the next steps for our work in professional identity in nursing. A brief review of the work done to date will be shared, as will the strategic plan for the professional identity in nursing initiative. The four presenters will then share their vision for the future aligned with our four pillars of professional identity: education, practice, policy development and regulation.

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